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The original telephones had direct connections in pairs. Each user had a unique phone that was wired to the various locations they needed to access. When consumers wished to speak with more than a handful of people, this quickly became uncomfortable and unwieldy. The creation of the telephone exchange offered a method for connecting to any other phone that was in operation in the neighborhood. Each telephone was first connected to the exchange by a single wire before being upgraded to a single wire pair, or local loop. Trunk lines connected nearby exchanges in other service zones, allowing for the establishment of long-distance service by routing calls through numerous exchanges.

Originally, an attendant knew as the “switchboard operator” manually handled exchange switchboards. An indicator on the board in front of the operator was activated when a customer turned the phone’s handle. The operator then plugged the operator headset into that jack and provided service as a result. The operator plugged one end of a circuit into the called party jack to alert them, and the caller had to ask for the called party by name and then by number. The operator finished the station-to-station circuit and removed their earpiece if the summoned station responded. Other operators at different exchangers in the network helped make trunk calls.

Most telephones were permanently wired to the telephone line set up at client premises up until the 1970s. Later, the internal wiring was converted to the installation of jacks, which allowed for the simple exchange of telephone sets with telephone plugs and the portability of the set to numerous locations within the building where jacks were installed. The interior wiring for every jack was connected to the wire drop that joins the structure to a cable in one location. The majority of drop wires from a district access network are typically brought via cables to a single wire hub or phone exchange. Equipment at the exchange analyses the dialed phone number when a user attempts to make a call, connecting that line to another in the exchange.

The network built to transmit voices developed important secondary applications in the second half of the 20th century: fax and data. Late in the century, segments of the network were upgraded with ISDN and DSL to better handle such traffic.

In order to provide telephone services and systems, telephony now employs digital technology digital telephony. Digital phone conversations are possible, but they may only be possible in situations where the last mile is digital or if the telephone itself does the conversion between digital and analog signals. This development has lowered communication costs and raised the caliber of voice services. The initial application of this, known as ISDN, allowed for quick end-to-end data transfer across telephone lines. Later, the capacity to offer digital services based on the IP protocol rendered this service far less significant.

Since the introduction of personal computers in the 1980s, computer telephony integration CTI has provided increasingly complex telephony services, initiated and controlled by the computer, such as placing and receiving voice, fax, and data calls with caller identification and telephone directory services. In the development of office automation, the integration of telephonic software and computer systems is a significant advancement. The phrase is used to describe call centers’ computerized services, such as those that route your phone call to the appropriate division inside the company you’re phoning. It can also refer to the capability of using your computer to make and manage phone calls, in which case your computer would serve as your own personal call center. CTI is